Hiking With Your Kids? Here’s What You Should Bring

This pandemic has caused many people to experience cabin fever. Months of staying indoors and doing the same routine every day can be suffocating. Having a family outdoor activity can be the solution to break the monotony of everyday life in this new normal. One great and fun activity you can do with your family (without sacrificing social distancing) is hiking. It’s a safe, free, and healthy activity! Nothing beats being surrounded by nature.

To add to that, it’s a much-needed exercise for everybody. Hiking isn’t just good for physical health, but it’s good for reducing the anxiety this pandemic has caused.

As we know, going out with your kids is a different story. In this case, you’re going to need more than the 10 essentials of hiking. Here are some things worth bringing with you on your hike with the kids.

Sweet snacks

trail mix

Hiking can be tiring. But that’s nothing a quick break and snack can fix. In planning and packing snacks, be sure to bring sweet yet nutrient-dense snacks for everybody. It’s important that these snacks aren’t just for a quick energy boost, but that they also provide what the body needs. Some good snacks for the trip are fruits, trail mix, granola bars, energy bars, and more. For something more filling, snacks like sandwiches can do the trick. Remember to plan stops in your hike trail for better snack planning.


Eating outdoors shouldn’t be any different from eating indoors; it should be comfortable, and convenient. Packing the food in zip lock bags may work, but depending on what type of snacks you pack, eating them bare-handed may prove to be messy. Eat well and without the hassle. That’s what eating utensils are for.

Utensils aren’t just convenient. Using them for eating, especially outdoors, is the safest thing to do. It’s always best to practice safe consumption of food, especially for kids. You can pack bowls, plates, spoons, and forks. Make sure that these are reusable utensils instead of disposable ones to reduce waste on your trip.


Kids can be messy. That goes without saying. Being outdoors and having fun, it’s almost inevitable that they’re going to get dirty here and there. Wipes are a staple for every parent, and it’s a great alternative in a hiking setting wherein there might be no clean water accessible insight. It’s better than sacrificing your drinking water too. Bringing wipes with you when going out with the kids might be a no-brainer, but it’s a tip worth stressing.

Rubbing alcohol

Just like the wipes, rubbing alcohol is a staple too. Generally, having a type of disinfectant in any setting is always the best and the safest option. Aside from considering the current times we live in, it’s a good way to clean up before and after eating. Rubbing alcohol might be in your emergency aid kit already, but it’s worth the special mention. Remember though that it is best to avoid using it on wounds and other sensitive skin areas as it may cause some irritation.

Mosquito repellent

applying mosquito repellent

Being outdoors, there’s no control over the elements one might be exposed to. If you have effective mosquito control practices at home, it’s a different story outdoors. With that said, pack a mosquito repellent for the hike. Make sure to apply some before the trip and when needed. It’s for everyone’s comfort so you can all focus on having a great time outdoors.

A Mat or Picnic Blanket

You can always pack a tent, but if you’re not up for the time and effort it takes to set it up, a mat or picnic blanket is a great alternative. It can be useful for a quick break in front of a scenic view or for an impromptu picnic. Either way, it’s handy to have for practical use and priceless moments. Not to mention, it’s easier to put away after use than a tent.

Having something to do that’s out-of-routine is a breath of fresh air these days. It’s a luxury people have come to appreciate, and the best part is that it doesn’t have to be expensive. It can be as simple as doing an outdoorsy activity, such as taking a hike with your family.

Your hiking gear and tools are essential, but the things listed above are just as important too. Don’t forget to bring these on your hike with the kids. Surely, these will help you have a comfortable and safe time outdoors. Make new memories, enjoy the view, and bond with your family. Don’t forget to have fun!

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