Invisible braces for teeth straightening

Invisible braces Sydney CBD are a fantastic way of correcting the aesthetic issues which may be affecting the appearance of your teeth. As an adult you may feel self-conscious about undergoing dental treatment but invisible braces are an excellent solution. They are an invisible method of teeth straightening which you can undergo without drawing any further attention to your mouth or without anyone having to know that you are having dental treatment.

In previous years teeth straightening could only be carried out using traditional orthodontic braces consisting of metal wires and brackets which are fixed to the surface of your teeth. The majority of adults were reluctant to undergo such treatment because of its high visibility in the mouth and therefore settled for crooked, wonky teeth which not only affected the appearance of their smile but also affected their dental health. In the last few decades there has been a huge increase in demand for cosmetic dental treatments including teeth straightening and this has resulted in the development and firm establishment of successful invisible braces. Thanks to advances in dental technology, invisible braces are great for teeth straightening; they are comfortable and convenient and they are very discreet, which is the main appeal. If you would like to find out about straightening your teeth at your discretion then speak to your dentist and discover invisible braces, whether or not they are suitable for you and how they can benefit you and your smile.



Invisalign is one of the most popular types of invisible braces across the world. First introduced in 1999, it quickly received recognition as an innovative and successful method for straightening your teeth at your discretion. Since then Invisalign invisible braces have helped correct the smiles of millions of patients across the world.

You could also correct the aesthetic issues which are affecting the appearance of your smile using Invisalign. Speak to your dentist to book a smile assessment and a thorough examination of your teeth and gums. A smile assessment helps identify the factors which are affecting the appearance of your smile. This could include crooked teeth, wonky teeth, protruding front teeth, overlapping teeth, small gaps between your teeth and other similar issues which make you unhappy about the appearance of your smile. Other factors which are suitable for treatment with Invisalign invisible braces are bite disorders, also known as overbite, underbite and crossbite. Bite disorders can cause many complications if left untreated and with Invisalign invisible braces you can address this issue and achieve a neatly aligned smile that is attractive, enhancing the appearance of your face whilst promoting better dental health and helping to prevent dental complications in the future.

It is important that your teeth are clean and healthy to undergo successful treatment with Invisalign invisible braces. Your dentist will examine your teeth for any underlying dental issues and carry out a full scale and polish prior to the treatment for optimal results.

Speak to your dentist today to find out more about invisible teeth straightening with Invisalign and undergo a specialist three-dimensional scan to see the results you could achieve very soon.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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