Just started Invisalign treatment?

A simple guide to surviving those first few weeks

So, you have had enough of having misaligned teeth and decided to approach your dentist or orthodontist about invisible aligners.

As you know, these days wearing a metal brace as an adult is no longer the only way to get straighter teeth. In fact, there are many discreet, clear or invisible braces and aligners available for adults and teenagers, provided that they have good oral hygiene and are over the age of 18!

You may also be under the slight illusion that wearing a clear or invisible aligner is going to be straightforward. While it is easier than wearing a metal brace, many patients are somewhat shocked by the adaptation required when wearing these braces and aligners, causing them to prematurely end the treatment. When going into this, it is best to have a clear idea of how to manage.

The wearing of any orthodontic appliance is going to cause the teeth to move and, while invisible braces are deemed to be more comfortable than regular metal braces, this does not mean that they are going to be totally easy to wear.

So, what are some of the top tips for surviving Invisalign Sydney CBD? Read on to find out!

You will need dental wax

Most invisible braces used in adult dental care today are printed using a 3D printer and the aligners are made from plastic.

When you put them in your mouth, it is likely they will have sharp edges which can rub against your inner cheeks and tongue, causing discomfort.

Dental wax softens these hard edges and acts as a cushion, so you can wear the aligners without suffering any discomfort with soreness.

Invest in pain relief

Your teeth are going to move and it is going to be uncomfortable; there is no such thing as painless orthodontics!

When wearing this invisible aligner, it is recommended  to invest in pain relief such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to begin with. If you have concerns about the level of discomfort you are in while wearing the aligner, contact your dental team for a check-up.


Keep an eye on your watch!

For this aligner to work, you need to keep an eye on the time and how long you keep it in your mouth for.

Many dentists and orthodontists will usually recommend a period of about 22 hours per day for you to see the desired effects.

Use the carry case

Invisible aligners are easily damaged and, when you are out and about, it is recommended to keep them in the case that is provided to you to keep them clean and unwarped.

Mini toothbrushes are a must!

After you finish eating before you put the aligners back in, you will need to brush your teeth; this prevents cavities and plaque, so we advise buying a mini toothbrush.

These are also useful when it comes to cleaning your aligner; don’t use hot water or mouthwash as these can cause staining and warping. Just a quick brush with a mini toothbrush and you are good to go!


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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