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wonky teeth

Hygienists: Why We Need Them

Hygienists play a really important role within any dental practice and your dentist will rely heavily on them to keep on top of a big part of client issues; gum disease. Despite all the knowledge we have on gum disease…

Apr 2, 20233 min read
healthy teeth

Why Clear Aligners Are Revolutionising Orthodontic Care

Are you unhappy with your smile? Are crooked or misaligned teeth affecting your confidence? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people worldwide struggle with dental misalignment, but the good news is that orthodontic care has developed in recent years.…

Apr 2, 20233 min read

Orthodontics Navan, removing poor vibes caused by oral health difficulties

Personal motivation can often be disrupted by a loss of self-confidence due to an aesthetic imperfection. Understanding the important part that your teeth play in your life is half the battle in restoring your self-esteem. Our faces dictate who we…

Apr 1, 20233 min read

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    Mother take care of sick daughter.

    How to Tell if Your Child is Dehydrated

    Dehydration is a serious concern for people of all ages, but it’s especially dangerous for young children. Because they are still growing and developing, children are more susceptible to the…

    Jan 1, 20235 min read

    A Guide for Bringing Back the Confidence in Your Smile

    Your smile is one of the first things people notice when they meet you. Not only does it reflect your personality, but it also conveys a strong message about your…

    Dec 23, 20225 min read

    Positive Living


    Destressing Your Life: 3 Things You Need to Know

    Stress and anxiety are a perfectly normal part of life. In small doses, they can even be beneficial. Anxiety is what pushes us to power through difficult situations. It can…

    Dec 23, 20204 min read
    garden concept

    Upgrade Your Garden: Turn Your Backyard Into a Peaceful Haven

    There is this misconception that a lovely garden is hard to grow and even harder to maintain. If you have kids and dogs, you might be deterred even more from…

    Nov 7, 20204 min read

    Need help navigating your divorce? Your top 5 questions answered

    It is one of the hardest experiences a person can go through. Regardless of the underlying cause, starting and going through a divorce is nothing short of harrowing and, unless…

    Jul 10, 20203 min read

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